It is rightly said that you need to take one step backwards if you want to stride forward and this adage equally applied to GSFC and the phase between 1999-2002 was a phase of one step backwards which in fact facilitated endless strides forward. GSFC never ever then looked back. The period between 1999 to 2001 was a phase where it was veering on the brink of a cash crunch. This phase of GSFC was attributed to many reasons. To name a few are increased energy costs, technical hiccups and delayed commissioning of new Ammonia plant after a gestation period of eight years and resultant increased project cost, excess outflow of interest etc. This new Ammonia plant continued with technical snags which could stabilise only by end of 2003. The liquidity problems further compounded due to expansion of DAP capacity at Sikka (1999-2003) which required infusion of Rs. 180 Crores. The Government of India also recovered subsidy amounting to Rs. 375 Crores. The drought during this period further depressed prices and demand for all products. There was also a shortage of gas that resulted into use of costly LSHS and Naphtha. The margins in Melamine and Caprolactam, GSFC's blue chip products, were low in this period due to depressed industrial demand internationally.